Usher Team Lead

Title:                           Lead Usher

Purpose:                      Coordinating usher assignments for all services and special events. 

Responsible to:           Clergy Team, Director of Servant Ministry

Description of Duties: Send monthly reminders to the usher team scheduled for the following month.
Coordinate and schedule usher assignments to assure all services have adequate usher coverage.  Recruit ushers for special services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Christmas Eve, Drama Ministry, Children’s Ministry and others.  Fill in for absent ushers. Attend quarterly Common Table gatherings.

As needed, recruit additional ushers to fill vacancies: Annual recruitment effort in the fall of each year, inviting new members to team, flyers, bulletin, chronicle, ministry moment, get connected table. 

Responsible for inviting ushers to attend Hospitality Breakfast/Training. Periodically organize usher the usher team to reset and connect the chairs in the sanctuary as well as other tasks such as refilling friendship pads.

Time Requirements: 2 hours for training workshop – annually. Christmas & Easter training/setup - 2hrs each. Other time requirements – approximately 2 hours per month. Attend quarterly Common Table.

Term:  2 years or as long as you are enjoying the team.

Training and Resources: Training from the previous Lead Usher.

Skills and gifts: Hospitality, Service and Administrative

Benefits to one serving in this role:
As an usher you get to meet and greet church members, broaden your acquaintances with church members, contribute to the smooth operation of church activities on Sundays.

Updated by: Shawn Slade 11/10